Friday, August 25, 2006

Everyone has a voice

This is hardly the first reference but thanks to Google, who made possible, everyone can have their blog. I said EVERYONE. All it takes is the ability to express one's self and the ability to access the internet. Even if you live in a homeless camp in a city, and have access to the public library internet, you can blog. If you live in a blue state or red state, rich, poor, ride the bus or drive a Hummer, eveyone can have a blog. Some blogs are intelligent and others seem dangerous. Since I am interested in issues of the state and public policy arena, I am excited about what role bloggers will continue to play in our national elections, (Congressional and Presidential votes). NO MORE can MSM state with accuracy that they are the source for news, it is now we the people, we the bloggers.

When I was growing up as a kid, (I am 42), my dad knew the truth; He taught us that the liberals had the upper hand at reporting the news, according to their agenda, and that we were forced to see that agenda from the daily newspapers, radio and TV. That was in the day of broadcast only network TV. Three networks with national news programs that we Americans watched every evenng from 530pm until 6pm. Whatever Walter Conkrite said, was the word on anything. It didn't matter if he was broadcasting the latest on the space program or VIet Nam, network news anchors were gods.

Ha Ha NO MORE. No more "mainstream media". No more MSM. Bloggers and voices on the internet DOMINATE. There are so many choices to read, listen to a podcast or do a search, that it is overwhelming and oh what a delight that is! When ABC news does a commercial for themselves, and they say, "...more americans get their news from ABC News....", they are lying to you. Ask ABC news to prove it. They can't. They might show you a survey, of 567 people but it is bunk. I can come up with over 568 different blogs on news and politics right now. Everyone has a voice whether they are credible or not, we all have a say, We all have a voice and that is very cool.

My point here is that we have a responsibility to voice and write our thoughts, but we must do so with discernment. We need to be truthful, detailed, follow the 5 W's and 1 H, of sharing and reporting. For those of you that didn't take English 101, the Five W's are Who, What, Where, Why, When and How. Take any issue and answer the Five W's and 1 H, and you're on your way to a signficant piece of writing with that one voice that everyone has.


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