Merry Christmas
This great time of the year is ALL about the birth of Jesus. Thats it. Nothing more. The whole gift thing relates of course to the three kings/advisors/magi, who sought out this miraclous birth, and brought something, to give to Mary and Joseph, as an honor of their new child. Thats it. If you're a card carrying member of the ALCU, remember, its ok to say, think, sing and post Merry Christmas.
The funny thing is that lots of business people will tell salespeople, or anyone else for that matter, to " on me, after the new year". Or, my favorite, "...I'm too busy right now with the Holidays, call me after the New Year". Now I just told you the great truth about Christmas but remember, the "holidays" are just three days: Christmas, New Years eve and New Year's Day. Today is December 7th, the "new year" is 4 weeks away. The sad thing is that when people tell you that they are just "too busy", with the holidays, they are OVER investing into those three days. Hey, despite this rant, just have a Merry Christmas. That number again, is Merry CHRISTmas.