Want to save time? Buy your potato salad at the store!
Oh, the 4th of July. We, like probably everyone else in the USA, had a gathering of folks. We had an open house yesterday, since we've been having our home remodeled for the last 7 months. (Yea, I could start another blog on just that experience alone--trust me!). So as my wife was putting the finishing touches on her potato salad, (which I prefer mustard tangy type, and she won't make it that way) and every year, I suggest that she NOT take the time to make potato salad and simply buy some at the store. "Just think of all the time you'll save dear!", I say. Every year, the answer is "no!".
All I was doing was suggesting that we save time of cooking, mashing and mixing it all together. Saving time. Just like most folks should get direct deposit so they don't crowd up bank lines on Friday afternoons cashing their checks or getting money. Saving time. Like checking in for your flight at home, before you to the airport and bug the gate agents for that "aisle seat, as far forward, as possible". Saving time includes gasing up before you leave for a long trip, getting some cash for the road, for tolls, so you don't have to stop and find an ATM and pay the $2-3.00 for a service charge. I did find out in Illinois that if you don't have sufficient change for toll, (or dollar bills on I-88, where the toll is $0.95), you can drive through like you're filming the Blues Brothers II, as long as you send in your money to the state within 4 days. Refer to http://www.illinoistollway.com/portal/page?_pageid=57,1302723,57_1302728:57_1302796&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL.
I can't wait to see the look on their face when I blow through the toll plaza next time. All I have to say is, "honey, I'm going to save time by just blowing off this toll road! You can tell the governor of Illinois (Governor Blagojevich) to take a hike". "I'm going to save time!".